- 2024-12-15
伝説的投資家ウォーレン・バフェット氏。その投資戦略は、多くの投資家にとって学ぶべき点が多いことで知られています。本稿では、バフェット氏の投資哲学を深く掘り下げ、音声データに基づき、その核心を分かりやすく解説します。 彼の言葉から浮かび上がる、キャッシュ管理、多様化への考え方、そしてリスクの本質とは何か。初心者から熟練者まで、投資戦略を見直す上で役立つ重要な示唆が満載です。
バフェット氏は、現金保有について独特の視点を持っています。単なる現金保有ではなく、**「現金は、良い投資先が見つかるまで一時的に預けられた、働くべきお金」と捉えているのです。 彼は、目標とする現金保有率を設定したり、一般的なアセットアロケーション(例えば、株式60%、債券30%)を盲目的に従うことを「全くのナンセンス」**と断じています。
We would never have cash around just to have cash. I mean we would never think that we should have a cash position of x percent. And I frankly I think these asset allocation things that tacticians in Wall Street put out, you know, about 60 percent stocks and 30… We think that’s total nonsense.
彼にとって重要なのは、**「全てのお金を、有望な事業に投資すること」**です。 良い投資先が見つからない時、あるいは予期せぬ現金の流入があった場合、一時的に現金が増えることはあっても、それを単に保有しておくことは望んでいません。常に、その現金の有効活用を模索しているのです。
So we want to have all our money working in decent businesses, but sometimes we can’t find them or sometimes cash comes unexpectedly, or sometimes we sell something… and we have more cash around than we would like. And more cash around than we would like means that we have ten or fifteen cents around because we want money employed, but we’ll never employ it just to employ it. And you will find us quite unhappy over time if cash just keeps building up. And I think one way or another we’ll find ways to use it.
Charlie and I never have an opinion about the market because it wouldn’t be any good and it might interfere with the opinions we have that are good.
If we’re right about a business, if we think a business is attractive, it would be very foolish for us to not take action on that because we thought something about what the market was going to do or anything of that sort because we just don’t know. And to give up something that you do know and that is profitable for something that you don’t know and won’t know because of that, it just doesn’t make any sense to us and it doesn’t really make any difference to us.
We think diversification as practiced generally makes very little sense for anyone that knows what they’re doing. Diversification is a protection against ignorance.
事業分析のスキルが高い投資家にとって、多様化は必要ありません。なぜなら、優れた事業を選別し、深く理解できるからです。 逆に、事業分析能力に自信がない場合は、多様化によってリスクを軽減できる可能性があります。しかし、バフェット氏自身は、自身のポートフォリオを少数の銘柄に絞り込んでいることからも、彼の高い分析能力が伺えます。
If you don’t know how to analyze businesses and value businesses, it’s crazy to own 50 stocks or 40 stocks or 30 stocks probably because there aren’t that many wonderful businesses that are understandable to a single human being in all likelihood. And to have some super wonderful business and then put money in number 30 or 35 on your list of attractiveness and forgo putting more money into number one just strikes Charlie and me as madness.
Volatility does not measure risk. And the problem is that the people who have written and taught about risk do not know how to measure risk. And the nice thing about beta, which is a measure of volatility, is that it’s nice and mathematical and wrong in terms of measuring risk. It’s a measure of volatility, but past volatility does not determine the risk of investing.
I mean actually take it with farmland here in 1980 or in the early 1980s, farms that sold for $2,000 an acre went to $600 an acre. I bought one of them when the banking and farm crash took place and the beta of farms shot way up. And according to standard economic theory, market theory, I was buying a much more risky asset at $600 an acre than the same farm was at $2,000 an acre.
Risk comes from the nature of certain kinds of businesses. It can be risky to be in some businesses just by the simple economics of the type of business you’re in. And it comes from not knowing what you’re doing.
And you know that it is if you understand the economics of the business in which you are engaged and you know the people with whom you’re doing business, and you know the price you pay is sensible, you don’t run any real risk. And I don’t think Charlie and I, certainly at Berkshire, I don’t think we’ve ever had a permanent loss in marketable securities that was what, 1 percent maybe, half a percent of net worth. I made a terrible mistake in buying Dexter Shoe, which cost us a significantly more than 1 percent of net worth where I bought an entire business then, but I was wrong about the business. It had nothing to do with the volatility of shoe prices or leather or anything else, just was wrong.
I’ve really said that growth and value, they’re indistinguishable. They’re part of the same equation. Or really growth is part of the value equation. So there, our position is that there is no such thing as growth stocks or value stocks the way Wall Street generally portrays them as being contrasting asset classes.
Growth usually is a positive for value, but only when it means that by adding capital now, you add more cash availability later on at a rate that’s considerably higher than the current rate of interest. So we calculate into any business we buy what we expect to have happen in terms of the cash that’s going to come out of it or the cash it’s going to go into it.
By far the best investment you can make is in yourself. For example, communication skills. I tell those students that come that they’re going to graduate schools and business and they’re learning all these complicated formulas and all that, if they just learned to communicate better, both in writing and in person, they increase their value at least 50 percent.
If you can’t communicate somebody, it says you know it’s like winking at a girl in the dark, nothing happens, you know, basically and you have to be able to get, get forth your ideas. And that’s relatively easy. I did it myself with a Dale Carnegie course. Some people wish I’d taken a shorter course now in terms of my talking later on, but it’s just hugely important. And if you invest in yourself, nobody can take it away from you.
バフェット氏は、市場の参加者の心理や、市場における不合理な行動について言及しています。 人々の未来予測への渇望や、多様化への過度のこだわり、そして専門家のアドバイスへの盲信などを批判的に見ています。
People have always had this craving to know the future. You know the king used to hire the magician or the forecaster and he’d look in sheep guts or something for an answer as to how to handle the next war. And so there’s always been a market for people who purported to know the future based on their expertise, and there’s a lot of that still going on. It’s just as crazy as when the king was hiring the the forecaster who looked at the sheep guts. And people have an economic incentive to sell some nostrum. It can be sold over and over and over again.
バフェット氏の投資戦略の核心は、優れた事業への長期投資にあります。市場予測に惑わされることなく、事業の本質を見極め、徹底的な分析に基づいて投資判断を下すことが重要です。 多様化は必要に応じて行うものであり、自己啓発、特にコミュニケーション能力の向上は、投資家にとって大きな武器となるでしょう。そして、リスクはボラティリティではなく、事業の理解不足や、投資対象の特性から生まれるものであることを理解することが不可欠です。 バフェット氏の言葉は、投資における本質を見つめ直す貴重な機会を与えてくれます。
この音声データから読み取れるバフェット氏の投資哲学は、一見シンプルながらも、深い洞察に裏付けられたものです。彼の成功は、単なる運や才能ではなく、長年にわたる地道な努力と、揺るぎない信念によって築き上げられたものなのです。 本稿が、読者の皆様の投資戦略を考える上で、少しでもお役に立てれば幸いです。